Candidates for the House of Representatives and Senate in the Federal election were surveyed, as in the Australian Candidate Study, 1987. In 1990, however, the survey was restricted to candidates for the major parties - Labor, Liberal, National and Australian Democrat - plus candidates standing on green and environmental platforms; other minor party candidates and independents were not included. The study examines the political issues prevalent in the election, replicating some of the questions on the economy, the environment, social issues and industrial policy which were asked in the Australian Election Study, 1990 (SSDA No. 570). These include candidates' attitudes to particular economic issues, attitudes to the protection of the environment and to environmental issues in general. A section on social policy includes questions on around 30 contemporary social and moral issues, including abortion, Aboriginal rights, pornography, health care, and many others. A section on women focuses on women's issues, support for women, attitudes to women and attitudes to women as election candidates. This will enable extensive replication to be conducted focusing on mass-elite linkages, both across the electorate as a whole, and disaggregated by party. In addition, the survey asks questions relating to political background, including electoral history, party political involvement and membership of community organisations, together with questions on pre-selection, such as the support which the candidate was given to gain nomination. A section on campaigning asks for candidates' perceptions of the personal attributes and experience which they think are required to make a successful candidate and MP, and the activities that the candidate engaged in during their campaign. Data collected on social and political characteristics of candidates, plus certain social and political features of the electoral divisions in which they stood (for House of Representatives candidates only), has been linked to the candidates' questionnaires. However, due to confidentiality provisions, only subsets of these variables can be provided for analysis. The variables are: house contested; state; electoral division*; party affiliation; sex; occupation; whether elected or not; first preference vote in 1990 election*; position on ballot; incumbency status; years in parliament; ministerial status; number of candidates on ballot; median income in electoral division*; urban-rural location of electoral division*; two-party preferred vote in 1987 in the electoral division; two-party preferred vote in 1990 in the electoral division*. *for House of Representatives candidates only
Economic policy, Elections, Environment, Industrial Relations, Political parties, Politicians, Politics, Social classes, Social policy, Social problems, Women and employment |
| Copyright: Copyright © 2005, The Australian National University. All rights reserved. |