As climate change remains a pressing global concern and people continue to be affected by natural disasters it is important to improve our understanding of how these stressful experiences affect people. This study explores the impact cyclone disasters in Queensland would have on pregnant women and their births. Hospital data shows birth patterns for the whole population, but a mother’s experiences of stressful events can vary between different mothers. This study looks to better understand a mother’s experiences and the impact of cyclones on her health and the health of her babies. An online survey will be used to capture the experiences of women pregnant during cyclone disasters by collecting individual characteristics, personal stories. Participants can also choose to take part in a more detailed in person interview to capture anything not covered in the online survey.
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Mar 20, 2024
Parayiwa, Cynthia, 2024, "Cyclone Babies Study Queensland",, ADA Dataverse, V1
As climate change remains a pressing global concern and people continue to be affected by natural disasters it is important to improve our understanding of how these stressful experiences affect people. This study explores the impact cyclone disasters in Queensland would have on...
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