1 to 10 of 41 Results
Jan 30, 2025
McAllister, Ian; Sheppard, Jill; Cameron, Sarah; Jackman Simon, 2022, "Australian Election Study, 2022", https://doi.org/10.26193/W3U2S3, ADA Dataverse, V5
The 2022 AES is the thirteenth in a series of surveys beginning in 1987, timed to coincide with Australian Federal elections. The series builds on the 1967, 1969, and 1979 Australian Political Attitudes Surveys. The AES aims to provide a long-term perspective on the political att... |
Aug 13, 2024 - Australian Election Study Integrated Time Series Data Dataverse
McAllister, Ian; Cameron, Sarah; McEachern, Steven; Perry, Ryan; Chen, Weifan, 2024, "Australian Election Study Integrated Time Series Data", https://doi.org/10.26193/HJ3KT1, ADA Dataverse, V3
This dataset provides the first release of the Australian Election Study Integrated Time Series Data, covering the AES surveys conducted from 1987 to 2022. A total of 426 variables collected at multiple timepoints across the 1987-2022 period have been harmonised into a standard r... |
Jun 18, 2024
This dataverse supports the harmonised AES voter survey data collection |
Apr 17, 2023 - Australian Election Study - Voter Studies Dataverse
Cameron, Sarah; McAllister, Ian, 2023, "Australian Election Study, 1987-2022 Trends", https://doi.org/10.26193/HPA0BY, ADA Dataverse, V1
The excel file contains the excel tables underlying the charts contained in the report Trends in Australian Political Opinion: Results from the Australian Election Study 1987-2022 (Cameron and McAllister 2022, available at www.australianelectionstudy.org). It also breaks down the... |
Feb 23, 2023 - Australian Election Study - Voter Studies Dataverse
McAllister, Ian; Bean, Clive; Gibson, Rachel; Makkai, Toni; Sheppard, Jill; Cameron, Sarah, 2023, "Australian Election Study, Longitudinal Panel Data (2016-2022)", https://doi.org/10.26193/JMER2J, ADA Dataverse, V2
This dataset contains the linked panel component of AES voter surveys for 2016, 2019 and 2022. The 2022 Australian Election Study is thirteenth in a series of surveys. This data file includes the responses to the questions from 2016 2019 that were repeated in 2022. To access the... |
Dec 13, 2022 - Australian Candidate Study Dataverse
McAllister, Ian; Makkai, Toni; Bean, Clive; Gibson, Rachel Kay, 2019, "Australian Candidate Study, 2016", https://doi.org/10.26193/IMX4ZT, ADA Dataverse, V4, UNF:6:BdQ+oGOxiHzUY/+UV2qexQ== [fileUNF]
The Australian Candidate Study surveys are conducted in parallel with the AES surveys of voters, and have been conducted at each federal election since 1987, with the exception of the 1998 election. All but the 1987 study have been funded by the Australian Research Council. The 2... |
Jul 8, 2020 - Australian Election Study - Voter Studies Dataverse
McAllister, Ian; Bean, Clive; Gibson, Rachel; Makkai, Toni; Sheppard, Jill; Cameron, Sarah, 2019, "Australian Election Study, 2019", https://doi.org/10.26193/KMAMMW, ADA Dataverse, V2
The 2019 Australian Election Study is the twelfth in a series of surveys. It covers the respondent's interest in the election campaign and politics, their past and present political affiliation, evaluation of parties and candidates, alignment with parties on various election issu... |
Jul 8, 2020 - Australian Election Study - Voter Studies Dataverse
Cameron, Sarah; McAllister, Ian, 2019, "Australian Election Study, 1987-2019 Trends", https://doi.org/10.26193/231VJS, ADA Dataverse, V5
The tables in this excel file can be used to produce graphs on Australian politics, without the need to conduct analyses separately on the Australian Election Study (AES) data files for individual years. The tables in this file match the charts contained in the report, Trends in... |
Apr 8, 2020 - Australian Election Study - Voter Studies Dataverse
McAllister, Ian; Bean, Clive; Gibson, Rachel; Makkai, Toni; Sheppard, Jill; Cameron, Sarah, 2019, "Australian Election Study, Longitudinal Panel Data (2016-2019)", https://doi.org/10.26193/C2QIYA, ADA Dataverse, V3, UNF:6:RnP3TWw3CNRW6gi6Cu99Yg== [fileUNF]
This dataset contains the linked panel component of AES voter surveys for 2016 and 2019. The 2019 wave of the Australian Election Study is the first in the AES series to invited respondents back to complete another wave of the survey. It is also the first panel survey concerned w... |
Dec 12, 2019 - Australian Candidate Study Dataverse
McAllister, Ian; Bean, Clive; Gibson, Rachel; Makkai, Toni; Sheppard, Jill; Cameron, Sarah, 2019, "Australian Candidate Study, 2019", https://doi.org/10.26193/HBYHL2, ADA Dataverse, V2
The Australian Candidate Study surveys are conducted in parallel with the AES surveys of voters, and have been conducted at each federal election since 1987, with the exception of the 1998 election. All but the 1987 study have been funded by the Australian Research Council. For t... |