Information about frontier massacres in Australia between 1788, when British colonisation began to 1930, with the first in 1794 and last in 1928. Only colonial frontier massacres for which sufficient evidence could be found are included.
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Feb 20, 2025
Lyndall Ryan; Jennifer Debenham; Bill Pascoe; Robyn Smith; Chris Owen; Jonathan Richards; Stephanie Gilbert; Robert Anders; Kaine Usher; Dan Price; Jack Newley; Mark Brown; Hugh Craig, 2025, "Colonial Frontier Massacres in Australia, 1788-1930",, ADA Dataverse, V1
Information about frontier massacres in Australia between 1788, when British colonisation began to 1930, with the first in 1794 and last in 1928. Only colonial frontier massacres for which sufficient evidence could be found are included. The map includes information about frontie...
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